
PoliGrid is a peer-reviewed and open-access journal published by the Department of Electrical Engineering, Politeknik Negeri Samarinda. The journal publishes articles in the broad areas of electrical engineering comprising electrical energy generation, transmission, distribution, and utilization.

The presence of PoliGrid is expected to further enhance the enthusiasm and quality of research to create innovations for the humanity. Innovation is achieved by strengthening the understanding of science, skills in engineering, and mastery of technology.

Due to the trend of interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research to further develop innovation, PoliGrid accommodates the discussion of several cutting-edge fields such as: smart grids, renewable energy, automation, robotics, electric vehicles, and IoT.



Result of Accreditation


We proudly announce that POLIGRID has been accredited nationally based on SK Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi Nomor 79/E/KPT/2023 tanggal 11 Mei 2023.

The accreditation of the journal started from Vol.1 No.1 2020 until Vol.5 No.2 2024. We encourage you to send your manuscript and be one of the authors of POLIGRID. We are looking forward for your best manuscript.

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Best Regards,

Editor-in-chief of POLIGRID



Posted: 2023-10-02

Vol 3, No 2 (2022): Desember

Poligrid Preface

Poligrid second issue of 2022 was published in December 2022. The number of published papers amounted to 5 papers.

Full Issue

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Table of Contents


Muhammad Akbar, ‪Prihadi Murdiyat, Marson Ady Putra
Idham Apriliyanto, Elkim Dwijayanto Malia, Alfian Rachmadana Uspa, Andhika Dwi Bhaswara, Fatur Rahman
Septian Dwi Luqmantoro, Sujito Sujito, Rizky Mucharam
Aprilliyan Manuel Sudiro, Marson Ady Putra, Erry Yadie
Idham Apriliyanto, Muhammad Atha Rafid Yasir, Yonif Geodimetrico, Yusril Ihza Mandawari, Muhammad Rifaldi, Nur Rani Alham