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Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Pendekatan Problem Posing Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Bahasa Inggris Pada Siswa Kelas 8 C SMP Negeri 15 Palu

Nurhaida Nurhaida


The main problem in this research is the low English learning outcomes of students in understanding home life material, so the research aims to determine the effect of cooperative learning using a problem posing approach in improving the English learning outcomes of class 8.C students at SMP Negeri 15 Palu. To examine the problem above, the researcher conducted action research, namely a form of research that uses qualitative and quantitative approaches with the research subjects being 34 students in class 8 C. The data sources in the research are teachers and students by conducting observations, interviews and learning results tests. The results of the research showed that there was an increase in the percentage of classical absorption capacity with a breakdown of two cycles, namely in the first and second cycle actions of 72.26% and 83.83% and classical completeness from 61.76% of the first cycle actions to 85.29% of the first cycle actions. II, likewise, the average score of the learning outcomes test (THB) for the first cycle of action was 72.26, increasing to 83.83 for the second cycle of action. Likewise, student and teacher activity, there was an increase in student activity in learning, namely in cycle I actions amounting to 85.42% and cycle II actions amounting to 92.71% in the very good category and there was an increase in teachers' ability to manage cooperative learning using a problem posing learning approach. namely in cycle I action it was 86.54% and cycle II action was 93.27% in the very good category. Based on the results of research and data analysis, it can be concluded that implementing a learning model using the Problem Posing approach can improve students' English learning outcomes.


learning outcomes; ooperative learning model; problem posing approach.

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