Cisyulia Octavia HS


One of the main material component used in the Indonesian construction industry is steel.


Excess properties owned by the steel is ductile, which has a higher elasticity than the main material that is widely used in Indonesia, such as concrete. Increased use of steel as the primary material forming structural components made of steel industry including steel supplier undertakes research to improve steel quality, both in terms of structural directly to construction, as well as to the needs of the market in general. Innovation made by the suppliers of the steel as a construction material providers strongly influenced by the trend types and profiles are widely used in certain constructions. Needs to know the steel consumption is accomplished by conducting research on the historical data in the construction sector. 

From the analysis of data from different sources in the construction of high rise buildings obtained ratio of the average value of consumption of steel to concrete consumption value is a percentage value 2.07 with steel to the value of the project is 25.92%. Steel consumption values for each of the building is determined by the function of building, the location of the building and the building construction. Value of steel material consumption has increased every year for the national construction value, which might be caused by an increase in the quantity of material consumption due to the increasing number of buildings is done and increase the unit price of steel. Needs of most of the applications contained in the beams and foundation, where the high rise building project has most of the tonnage and value are always increase every year.

Keywords: estimation, consumption, steel, high rise building

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