Andi Farid Hidayanto, Anna Rulia


Indonesia is prone to disaster. In dealing with disasters, especially in meeting the needs of the logistics required for the victims eating soup kitchen. Common kitchen that exist today are generally in the form of tents, houses are used as shelters, or modified cars. Common kitchen there was an emergency, sober, and its location can not approach the scene. Of this problem is in the design of a common kitchen for natural disaster relief, which can meet the needs of officers, as well as victims. The resulting soup kitchen design can accommodate logistics taste, giving space for officers, protected from external environmental conditions, and can be placed in a location close to the scene. In general kitchen design is done by Pahl and Beitz method in the design of products with the steps that Planning and explanation task, the concept of product design, product design shape, and design details. For data collection using the Individual Questionnaire and Focus Group Discussion This result will be obtained attributes required in the design. The results of the research is a common kitchen design for a portable natural disaster easily assembled and disassembled, can be established at the site of diverse, easy to operate, and is able to accommodate facilities and needs. Common kitchen designs produced in the form of large-scale three-dimensional model, a blueprint for technical specifications, which can proceed to the production phase. Keywords: natural disasters, design, soup kitchen, portable.

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