I Made Marthana Yusa, Ni Made Adi Sari Yati


Many ways used by the government preventing the cervical cancer, especially to reduce victim from teenager. For instance, by using The Public Service Announcement – PSA.


Sometimes, that existing media does not provide pictures or videos precisely. Then, it cause disconnected information. The government cannot deliver the message of Cervical Cancer to the people properly. It reflected the fact that lot of teenagers still doesn’t aware about reproductive health. Authors analyze this phenomena, then think that we need more interesting alternative media solutions for the youth. That alternative media should be different, better, faster and more interesting to attract the youth to know more about The Cervical Cancer. One of those alternative media solutions is using Motion Graphic. Motion

Graphic will change the complicated datas become simple pictures and effective animations that easy to comprehend. The research held in SMKN 1 Denpasar. The final animation showed, watched by 35 female students, then the students wrote answers from questionnaire distributed. From the evaluation result shows that 97,14% of teenagers could answer the question about causes of cervical cancer correctly. In addition, 100% of the schoolgirls in that school state that keeping their reproduction health is is very important. They were also state that they want to take care of their reproduction health after watching the advertisement video.

Keywords : Cervical Cancer, Public Service Announcement, Animation, Motion Graphic

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