Abdul Najib, Damar Nurcahyono


Evaluation of Lecturers plays an important role in teaching (PBM) and a way to measure and determine whether the destination is reached or learning outcomes in accordance with the established together in units teaching event. Measuring the success of learning occurs in the form of changes experienced by students as one measure of which is done through the delivery of learning and exams.

One way in the implementation of the evaluation is to utilize the online system where the assessment is carried out directly by the students who have attended lectures with the lecturer in question. The use of online methods will also save time in the accumulation of the results obtained and presented online (paperless).

This research is expected to help the quality assurance unit (UJM), majors, courses and management in view ofthe success achieved through the process of learning and teaching evaluation form questionnaire filled student

Keyword: evaluation, student questionnaire, paperless

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