Pelatihan Strategi Pemasaran Produk UKM Kelompok Usaha Bersama (KUB) "BAROKAH" Kelurahan Dadi Mulya, Kecamatan Samarinda Ulu, Samarinda

Heldina Pristanti, Siti Nurhasanah


This program held for Barokah UKM at Kelurahan Dadi Mulya Kecamatan Samarinda Ulu. Marketing strategy is the analysis, planning, and controlling of a designed program to achieve the purpose of the effort. Moreover, there are some approaches in marketing such as an all round approach, an institution approach, a functional approach, a managerial approach, and a social approach. Marketing for small and big businesses can help to maximize the satisfaction of the customer eventhough the small business has limitations in funding. However, it still can do the marketing as good as the big business by optimizing their existed funding. It can be done by conducting collaboration with the other entrepreneur or colleagues in the promotion. KUB Barokah has done many ways in managing. The business's main problems were the inability to see the market opportunities and potency to optimize the selling. They also didn’t know how to map their marketing problem and the right marketing strategy. The growth motivation and verbal and nonverbal communication are still low, so marketing strategy training is very needed.


Training, Marketing Strategy

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  ISSN 2776-2475 (Online)                                  ISSN 2776-2750 (Print)



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