Tata Tulis Karya Ilmiah bagi Mahasiswa Perguruan Tinggi di Samarinda

Dyah Kusrihandayani, Indah Martati, Suminto Suminto


Community Service Activities (PKM) through Scientific Writing Training for College Students in Samarinda are intended to help solve problems faced by the majority of university students in automatically writing scientific papers. The aim of this training is to improve student’s abilities in automating the creation of scientific papers. The training participants were attended by 32 students, consisting of 7 universities


Scientific Writing, Higher Students, College

Full Text:



Craig. (1976). Training and Development Handbook : A Guide to Human Resources Development

DOI: https://doi.org/10.46964/etam.v1i2.1411


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  ISSN 2776-2475 (Online)                                  ISSN 2776-2750 (Print)



ETAM: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License


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